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About Roxanne Sailors

Embodiment Coach

When you are driving, there is always a blind spot. As you navigate through life's transitions, a coach helps you hold up the proverbial mirror so you can see that blind spot. I help people remain conscious as they go through major life transitions: births, divorce, graduating college, career changes, and more. I want you to feel supported and empowered, and not like you are the victim of unforeseen circumstances.


When things are uncertain and you feel lost and overwhelmed, a coach can help elevate your vision beyond current circumstances to help you see clearly where you are headed. And that can be so much more than you ever imagined.

Believe me.


I too have been through places of transition where I felt utterly lost, terrified to move forward because I had no idea how I was going to get there. 

One such pivotal moment came for me one Christmas, when everything collapsed: I lost my job, my marriage was dissolving, and my roommate suddenly left, forcing me to move out as well. I was homeless, newly divorced single mother with no job. I was on the edge of something and I knew I needed to find joy and connection to my purpose for living. I needed to get back to Me.

Through investing daily in my mental, physical, and spiritual care, I was able to once again get grounded and take the next steps. I moved through, not around.

But I had to ask for help.


I understand how difficult it can be to open up and show your vulnerability. How many times have you said, 'I can do this myself!' I know I did. And I also know that having the support of a coach can be the bridge you need to get you further than going it alone.


Through my own Self-Love work, I learned to become the author of my own story, to step out of my comfort zone. It has been a long and sometimes difficult journey, but it has brought me to incredible places and a life beyond my wildest dreams. And it remains a daily habit of learning, practice and integration.


Through the years, my experience has also led me to become a valuable resource to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. In addition to my personal training, functional movement, nutrition, and doula certifications, I undertook a yearlong rigorous training program from the "Harvard of Coaching Schools": Accomplishment Coaching, graduating in 2018 from the Ontological Coaches Training program in San Diego, CA.


I founded RoxieFlow to help support others in their quest to live their fullest lives. My job as a coach is to hold up the big vision for you and to remind you that YOU are worth working toward that deep and urgent yearning you have for yourself.


I look forward to working with you and seeing the amazing, exciting places your own journey through transition will take you. Please contact me today.



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Roxanne Sailors

Mind, Body, Spirit Coach

When you are ready to experience growth in your life, I am here for you. Through my coaching, tarot, physical training, and doula services, I have helped hundreds of people access their own intuitive wisdom and power. Together we find tools and practices to source you in your journey to discover a more empowered and embodied life.


As my client, you will experience the mystery and wisdom within yourself as you look at your life and patterns in new ways. As your coach, I will be by your side providing perspective, encouragement and acknowledgement. To get started, simply let me know you are ready:

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